Receiving and Unpacking Your Thunder Bolt Laser Engraver
So the big day has come – the machine is here and it is GO TIME. Now we’re going to cover setting up your machine in its space to get ready for your first cuts
So the big day has come – the machine is here and it is GO TIME. Now we’re going to cover setting up your machine in its space to get ready for your first cuts
You have your delivery date, time to ensure your venting electrical is ready. stand is built and delivery path is clear.
Aligning the mirrors on your Thunder Laser machine requires a bit of patience. Don’t get fooled by the red dot pointer!
Introducing our new affordable Fiber Laser Engraver: The Aurora Lite! This 50 w metal marking machine is ideal for engraving metals such as ngrave metals. electronic parts, various auto parts, home appliances, hardware tools, and jewelry.
Pre-Training Checklist: Welcome to the Thunder Family. Get the most out of your free training by reading this checklist.
Setting up the systems you need to start a new business can be time-consuming and kinda….annoying.
In this webinar, we will cover some of the affordable tools and features you need to market and run your new laser business.
The most important part of a LightBurn setup is entering the scanning offsets for your Thunder Laser found on your gold card.
After you have a decent handle on how to run the machine, add in your Thunder Laser accessories such as your lenses, rotary, or camera.
The Materials Tests and Library provide a ballpark of settings for common materials. It provides good starting points that you will have to adjust based off your exact materials.
It’s your first time using your Nova series machine. Startup Tips for your Thunder Laser
A guide to materials for your laser cutter.
This month we explore 3D laser cut design using several programs and methods. Slicer for Fusion 360 allows users to easily import or design 3D objects that can automatically output into individual layers to be cut, then stacked. Guest maker Austin Hager (Fuse 33 Member) demonstrates devices he designed involving gears and functional mechanisms. More details below!
Free LightBurn Webinar: Join the Thunder Laser team and friend of Thunder Laser Canada Ron Crown for a Q and A session
Business owners who create small products or products that require a high level of detail will love the new Bolt Plus!
Stan from Lens Digital gives a rundown of their rotary lineup, explains common issues and demos the new harnesses for the ‘PiBolt’.Customers show how they’ve integrated the PiBurn rotary into their businesses.
LightBurn is a popular software application designed for controlling and optimizing laser cutters and engravers. At Thunder Laser, our lasers come with RD works free. However, we often recommend customers purchase Lightburn. It is an industry standard program and costs only $170 (one time fee).
To guarantee success, make sure your laser engraving business plan includes a marketing strategy! Start with one of 2 strategies then add more over time as you start to get your systems and products figured out.
Try our a Thunder Laser machine at one of our demo center locations.
We are pleased to announce that Thunder Laser Canada is able to support customers who purchased laser machines from
SignMax Canada.
Your laser business won’t make millions overnight-it’s a slow build. This article outlines some Canadian specific resources to help you with your business in the research and planning stages.
It is important to consider laser cutter safety when installing a machine in your home, business, school or makerspace.
Top 25 laser products that sell to get you started in your market research and business planning
Whether you already have laser equipment or you’re considering purchasing a laser cutter for the first time, this article will explore how the adding a laser can create new avenues of growth and profitability for your business.
This grip-style rotary is designed specifically for our Thunder Laser’s Thunder Bolt machines
The first thing to consider when buying a laser cutter is about the different types of laser tubes.
Switching laser cutting software doesn’t mean leaving behind your previous designs. With LightBurn, compatibility is prioritized, ensuring users using different programs can transition effortlessly.
Why Thunder Laser has a cult following amongst laser nerds everywhere.
The Story of how Thunder Laser Canada came to be. Meet our team of makers
Ambassadors Sticks and Doodles makes Laser Cut ornaments in Regina
Protect your C02 Glass Tubes!
The Thunder Bolt is a compact and relatively affordable machine that provides a more versatile home office machine than the Glowforge.
7 Reasons to Buy a Thunder Laser Bolt This article on the Thunder Laser Bolt is a shortened version of a longer
Thunder Bolt vs Glowforge: As a laser user of both brands, Reade Richards gives a comparison of the features of both laser cutter machines.
Thunder Laser Canada customer Danielle Smith bought a Thunder Laser and repaid her investment in only months!
Introducing our new desktop laser cutter- the Thunder Bolt! This 30 w C02 RF tube machine features a 20″ bed allowing for rotary use!
The Thunder Laser Canada team is hosting a booth at Sign Expo Canada! Get Tickets! The International Centre | Hall 5
6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON L4V 1E8.
Here at Thunder Laser Canada, we built a lot of festival furniture! Since we are based out of Fuse33 Makerspace, many different groups approach us regularly to help them design and build outdoor furniture such as architects, festival organizers, business improvement associations and more.
Setup LightBurn on your Thunder Laser
Zee Kesler shares her first laser cutter projects created at Thunder Laser Canada headquarters in Calgary AB
Custom Wood Signage For My Small Business My name is Zee Kesler and I’m going to walk you through how
Lens Digital makers of PiBurn rotaries partners with Thunder Laser to offer huge discounts on shipping.
Here at Thunder Laser, we are always looking for ways to improve our designs for efficiency, safety and ease of use for customers. After collecting feedback we’re proud to announce improvements the design of our 2023 Aurora optical fibre laser marking machines.