Materials Tests and Using the Materials Library

The Materials Tests and Library provide a ballpark of settings for common materials. It provides good starting points that you will have to adjust based off your exact materials.

What is a Materials Test?

In order to know which settings you should use on each material, you can run a quick little test that will tell you!

Uploading the Materials Library to LightBurn

Each machine has its own materials library based on the machine wattage.

Adding Your Own Settings to the Materials Library

If you consistently using the same materials, it’s useful to save the settings into your materials library. Here’s how!

Recommended Online Educational Resources:

Laser Nug (Thunder Bolt for Begginers)

Friend of Thunder Laser Canada Gord Potter has a very informative and well-researched YouTube channel which our team highly recommends.

Our team works directly with Gord to ensure his info is as accurate as possible.

Computer Creations (Robert Koeford )

Nova and Thunder Bolt

House of Lasers

Nova, Odin(Bolt 32), Thunder Bolt and Aurora 

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